Sunday, August 14, 2011

Rheumatic fever

usu due to grp A B-haemolytic streptococcal inf.
it cos permanent damage to the heart valve..

to diagnose, first confirm whether the inf is d2 the streptococcal inf...

- +ve throat swab
- ASOT (anti-streptococcal antibody titre) high
- rapid streptococcal antigen test
- recent scarlet fever

then, Jones Criteria.. 2majors or 1major + 1minor criteria

major criteria
- carditis
- arthritis
- subcutaneous nodules (at extensor parts of jts n spine)
- erythema marginatum (geographical, raised edges, clear centre)
- Sydenham chorea

minor criteria
- fever
- arthalgia
- prolong PR interval (in ECG)
- Increase ESR or CRP
- previous rheumatic fever